Who Are We?
Indie Bites is a quarterly indie fantasy anthology, created to promote the work of indie authors. It features short fantasy fiction (prose and poetry) from self-published, hybrid and unpublished authors, together with author interviews.
The anthology is available as a free ebook, or as a print-on-demand paperback that can be purchased from Amazon.
Indie Bites is a not-for-profit imprint of Silver Sun Books. The anthology does not make any income (except via donations, all of which are passed on to our contributors). For more information about our mission and ethos, please look at our submissions page here.
Our Contributors
We welcome new contributors every quarter, and we're open to repeat contributors. We're always looking for more contributors. If you're interested, a good place to start is on our Twitter here. We're also on Bluesky Social at indiebites.bluesky.social. Come and have a chat! Unlike our anthology, we don't bite...
Adie Hart is an indie author writing fantasy with fairy tale and mythological influences. She/her.
Josie is an indie author writing fantasy and historical fiction. She/her.