Welcome to this quarter's issue of Indie Bites! It's packed full of five exclusive short stories from indie authors on the themes of Enchanters & Experiments, plus an interview with hybrid author Jaime Lee Moyer.

This issue features the following short fiction:
- The Exsparrowment of Evander Hale by Adie Hart
- Count Tiberius the Third by Claudie Arseneault
- Wizardly Woes and Moving Mounds by Ceril N Domace
- The Wizard's Journey by Jay Galic
- Bad Blood by Josie Jaffrey
This quarter’s issue is all about exhausted student wizards, magical pest control services, vampire scientists, and more…
Running the gamut from fun and cosy to poignant and lyrical, all of these stories are perfect for reading on a dark winter’s evening – whether you want to curl up with a mischievous magically-created cat, tackle the giant mushroom result of an experiment, or travel the land with a nervous young wizard, there’s sure to be an enchanter or experiment here to capture your heart.
Plus, the last story in the collection is an exclusive prequel from Josie Jaffrey’s Seekers series, a vampiric Jekyll and Hyde tale that’s a great link into the Silverse, whether you’re already a fan of Cam and Ed, or new to the world of the Silver vampires.
So let’s get enchanted. There’s plenty here to sink your teeth into.
Get your copy FREE below.
About our featured author

Jaime Lee Moyer writes fantasy and science fiction, herds cats, is an occasional poet, and maker of tangible things. Her first novel, Delia’s Shadow, was published by Tor Books, and won the 2009 Literary Award for Fiction, administrated by Thurber House and funded by the Columbus Arts Council. Two sequels, A Barricade In Hell and Against A Brightening Sky, were also published by Tor. Her novel, Brightfall, was published by Jo Fletcher Books in 2019, and Divine Heretic, also published by Jo Fletcher Books, came out in August 2020. Her novelette, Beast, is available from Amazon, and her two indie published novels, Youngest and Disposable Son, are available from Amazon.
She writes a lot. She reads as much as she can.
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You can purchase print copies from Amazon here. We charge only enough to cover print costs, so there's no profit for us.
Contribute to Indie Bites
If you're an indie author or illustrator who'd like to contribute to one of our upcoming issues, then check out our submissions page here.