Welcome to this quarter's issue of Indie Bites! It's packed full of five exclusive short stories from talented indie authors on the themes of Faes & Foes, plus four great indie book reviews from our review team, and an interview with indie author Anela Deen.

This issue features the following short fiction:
- My Mother's Mirror by Adie Hart
- Terrarium by Eleanor Winterbottom
- Queenfire and Realm-Eater by Linked Soul
- Understanding Humans by Anna Ross
- How The Other Half Lives by Josie Jaffrey
And the following reviews:
- Lord of Stariel by AJ Lancaster, reviewed by Asha from A Cat, A Book and A Cup of Tea
- Haven by Ceril N Domance, reviewed by Lucy from Coffee, Cups and Books
- To Carve a Fae Heart by Tessonja Odette, reviewed by Fayth Brady from The Broken Geek
- There's Magic Between Us by Jillian Maria, reviewed by Rosina from Lace and Dagger Books
Get your copy FREE below.
About our featured author

A child of two cultures, Anela Deen is a hapa haole Hawaiian girl currently living among the tulips and windmills of the Netherlands. She now fills her days with family and fiction under rainy Dutch skies.
With a house full of lovable kids, a three-legged cat, and one handsome Dutchman, she prowls the keyboard late at night while the minions sleep. Coffee? Nah, she prefers tea with a generous spoonful of sarcasm.
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You can purchase print copies from Amazon here. We charge only enough to cover print costs, so there's no profit for us.
Contribute to Indie Bites
If you're an indie author or illustrator who'd like to contribute to one of our upcoming issues, then check out our submissions page here.