Welcome to this quarter's issue of Indie Bites! It's packed full of eight exclusive short stories from indie authors on the themes of Tricksters & Treasure, plus an interview with indie author S.L. Prater.

This issue features the following short fiction:
- A Game of Patience by Harrison Lake
- Bayou Treasures by C. DiCocco
- Ex Marks the Spot by Josie Jaffrey
- The Chrome Horse of Kilbrook by A.J. Van Belle
- Five for Silver by Adie Hart
- Here Be Salt and Dragons by Lila Gwynn
- A Hoard of Riddles and Tea by Ceril N. Domace
- The Heart of Thyvalar by J.W. Langton
In these pages, you’ll find dragons and pirates, demi-gods and vampires, fairies and thieves. There’s cursed technology and ancient hoards, romance and vengeance and mischief and ambition, in settings from dinner parties to deserts, from the Deep South to the Weird West.
Anyone can be a trickster in the right situation, and anything can be a treasure to the right person. These eight stories couldn’t be more different, but we hope you enjoy our sparkling, eclectic hoard.
So let’s get treasure hunting. There’s plenty here to sink your teeth into.
Get your copy FREE below.
About our featured author

Stephanie shares her Indiana home with three wild little girls and a husband so handsome he makes everyone else look like a potato. When she isn’t reading romance novels, eating tacos, and momming, she writes naughty magical kissing books featuring bold witch heroines.
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You can purchase print copies from Amazon here. We charge only enough to cover print costs, so there's no profit for us. This quarter we have a bumper issue, so the print costs are a little higher than normal.
Contribute to Indie Bites
If you're an indie author or illustrator who'd like to contribute to one of our upcoming issues, then check out our submissions page here.